Construction that meets YOUR goals….

Construction that meets YOUR goals

Owners and Investors looking to build in FL are stymied by impossibly-high Interest rates and Home Insurance premiums having gone through the very roofs they are meant to cover repairing! High construction costs – having increased significantly, as well – don’t help and are not easily controlled, much less by a Typical Builder who isn’t good at doing so anyway and must, ultimately, put their own interests ahead of those of their Clients.
Owners and Investors looking to build in FL are stymied by impossibly-high Interest rates and Home Insurance premiums having gone through the very roofs they are meant to cover repairing! High construction costs – having increased significantly, as well – don’t help and are not easily controlled, much less by a Typical Builder who isn’t good at doing so anyway and must, ultimately, put their own interests ahead of those of their Clients.

NCHCC offers Owners and Investors better alternatives.

By saving them time and money, while still adding value, we’re able to help Clients keep their Projects profitable (if not, at least, viable). We seek to maximize a Client’s equity/ROI. As a Licensed and Insured Florida Certified Building Contractor, we can be hired as a Builder or, even better for them, as a “Construction Manager” for Owner-Builders:
By saving them time and money, while still adding value, we’re able to help Clients keep their Projects profitable. We seek to maximize a Client’s equity/ROI. As a Licensed and Insured Florida Certified Building Contractor, we can be hired as a Builder or, even better for them, as a “Construction Manager”

Owner-Builder (O-B) Construction: Building WITH you

Owners have the right to construct a home on Property they own without having to Contract with a Builder to do it. An O-B enjoys complete control of the Project and can save a significant amount of money, but then, legally, they must take on all of the risk(s) and responsibilities that a Builder typically would for them. NCHCC can be hired as an Owner’s Construction Manager (CM) to help mitigate the risks and handle those many responsibilities. If you choose, we can perform all of the functions that a Builder would, including managing the actual construction of the Project, for you.

Owners have the right to construct a home on Property they own without having to Contract with a Builder to do it. An O-B enjoys complete control of the Project and can save a significant amount of money, but then, legally, they must take on all of the risk(s) and responsibilities that a Builder typically would for them. NCHCC can be hired as an Owner’s Construction Manager (CM) to help mitigate the risks and handle those many responsibilities. If you choose, we can perform all of the functions that a Builder would, including managing the actual construction of the Project, for you.

Hiring NCHCC as a Construction Manager is ideal:

In short, “Owner-Builder” construction offers Clients the best path to saving money on their Project. NCHCC can help them to successfully navigate the entire process and maximize that savings.

Extra Tip ✔: O-B Projects can be even more beneficial to Owners ready pay for the work with Cash. Owner-Builders seeking financing should note that some banks will require them to hire a 3rd-party (like NCHCC!) to help manage the Project as a condition of the financing.

NCHCC as your Builder: Building FOR you…

Have you read the other pages on this website? Well, if you want something done right…
For additional, objective information on Owner-Builder construction, please check out this independent article:–podcast/build-yourhouse-yourself-but-not-all-by-yourself-byhyu-007.

NCHCC is different from other Builders.

Almost every construction issue that Builders (and their Clients) have (or will have) could be avoided altogether. NCHCC knows that it boils down to (4) “P”s:

Planning and being proactive preempts problems.

The higher the Project’s Total cost, the higher the unnecessary costs that result from such carelessness. Conversely, there are significant cost savings to be had and value to be added to a Project by simply being vigilant. NCHCC strives to be diligent about all things, at all times.

“Transparency” – sharing information with Owners – and communication are necessary for success. We want Clients to be highly-informed and play a key-role in the decision-making process. However, every Client is different – whether you want the “highlights” or to dive into the minutiae is up to you. Unlike many Builders, NCHCC has nothing to hide..
NCHCC “sweats the details”. We think strategically and act efficiently – always with the “big-picture” in mind. To help along the way, we can call on a diverse, deep Subcontractor/Vendor “base” developed over 25 years in SWFL – a deeper “bench” than any other individual Builder has.

NCHCC is a small company with few “moving parts”. I am personally involved
through the entirety of each Project and am directly accessible to all Clients, at all times. I take pride in being ethical, objective and fair. It is for all of the above reasons that I’m able to offer Clients our Building Services at Fees that are 35% less than what other legitimate
Builders would charge, without ceding quality or prolonging Schedules.

NCHCC strives to be a practical Builder. We seek to advocate for and present Clients the many choices they have, advise them as to the differences between them and guide them through the entire Construction process to see a home built that meets THEIR needs – whatever they may be.

Cost savings mean that NCHCC Services typically more-than-pay for themselves

To put what you will overpay numerically, at least 5% of your Project's total costs will be the direct result of poor Project cost management by your Builder. NCHCC Services - and the convenience and peace-of mind they provide - MIGHT run about 1/2%. Wouldn't you pay less than 1/2% to save that 5% - all without ceding quality or delaying the job?

What are you expecting your total, “end-of-the-day” Project costs to be?

The higher the Project costs, the more value that NCHCC Services offer the Client. Considered against the costs the Client stands to save, NCHCC Service fees will typically more than pay for themselves. NCHCC offers their Clients value by providing them with accurate information, convenience and peace of mind that their Project costs are being monitored by a 3rd party that is connected to, but independent from, the inverted market.

NCHCC Services are practical – no matter the size, Scope or cost of the Project.

In the unlikely case that there are no additional “net” savings after NCHCC Fees, you still receive all of the ancillary benefits of our Project Cost Management Services – convenience, peace-of-mind, less frustration – at little or NO COST to you!

NCHCC Services are available “’a la carte”.
You only pay for the Services that you need, when you need them.

Ultimately, Service fees are entirely dependent on the Scope of the Project, the point at which NCHCC becomes involved in the process and what information is available at that point.

A complete set of Project plans may include (10) pages…or it may include (100) pages. A Project’s Budget may have (50) line items…or it may include (250) line items. The complexity of each custom Project can be gauged by the amount of information that needs to be generated to build it. The more information there is, the more time NCHCC needs to analyze it. 

NCHCC offers a free, no risk, no obligation Preliminary Cost
Analysis of your Project

The typical rate for Consulting Services is $150/hour. The rate may vary based on the complexity of the Project and/or if NCHCC is to be retained as the Owner’s Representative. Billable hours to include reasonable expenses and include travel to, and time spent at meetings (jobsite, offices of Others). NCHCC can be retained for á la carte services or for the duration of the Project (again, depending on when they are first brought to it) for an overall Fixed Fee to be quoted after an initial consultation and upon receipt of all the information available at the time.

Reasons you should contact NCHCC today = so many. Reasons not to = zero.